Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weeks between

This is the first thing I’ve written on Office 2013 other than email.  Something about the movement of the cursor looks weird to me.  It doesn’t have the mechanical snap that I’d expect out of a computer.  Kind of creepy, but I guess I’ll have to deal with it.  

I’ve been thinking a lot about time management.  Really, it’s a wonder of whether the time being spent is worthwhile time.  I was listening to the Andy Andrews podcast (In the Loop #135, to be specific) and he started talking about “as a man thinketh, so is he”.  Thinking leads to choices which leads to action which changes families which changes societies. 

The other point he brought up is that when people don’t know what to do, they do nothing.  That is a simple, but highly profound observation.   If you do nothing, you get nothing.   If you get nothing, you go nowhere.  So you end up stuck where you are because you don’t spend any time doing anything that will get you out of the rut. 

Which based on all of this, it seems intelligent to pick a direction to go, and go there.  It may be the wrong direction, but it is a direction nonetheless. 

I don’t remember where I was going with this, but it seemed important, so I’ll keep it. 

Moving on to the current day…  I’ve been reading The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.  I’d recommend anyone and everyone read this book.  More than anything else, I think his ideas on habit creation and formation are the necessary things to transform lives.  Habits are what take us through life without thinking.  If those habits that lead you are going in the right direction, then you will continue on in the right direction.  If they take you in the wrong direction, then the habits need to change. 

Either way, building habits to get you where you want to go seems to be a good way to go.  I’m going to have to experiment with that…

I should get back in the habit of blogging more often.  We shall see.  We shall see.