Thursday, April 9, 2015

Logical fallacies

I keep seeing posts wander through the Internet about a husband that wants to pay his wife to stay home with their child.  In the end, he’s mad because he can’t pay her his perceived salary of close to $100,000 per year and still pay the bills.  

Let me say this up front: my wife is a stay at home mom of three kids, not one.  She has a very hard job in taking care of the household.

The value my wife adds to my life is incapable of being counted.  If I lost my wife, my life would be devastated from the loss of her.  Not from the loss of what she does.  I love her to death.

But it’s not a $100,000 a year job on the open market. 

It’s a horrible argument that is used to trump up the job of stay at home moms.  It’s an argument made by people who don’t know business.  It’s an argument made by people who want money for breathing.  If any one of these people really forked out the kind of money they talk about, they would quickly change their standards. 

But let’s get to the real problem with the argument.  The original writer of the argument assumes that everything a stay at home mom does should get charged at a different rate.  That’s just crazy.  Let’s make an adequate comparison.  I have an office.  I keep it relatively clean most of the time.  I don’t get paid a dime to clean my office.  I clean it because I’m not a slob, and because I’m an adult.  I clean it because it’s part of presenting a professional appearance.  But I don’t get paid a separate rate to clean my office.  I don’t work for a union that says I can only do one single job.  I do it all because that is what I was hired to do.  I have to do my job, plus all sorts of other little things that seemingly have nothing to do with my job.  Clerical?  Tied in with the package.  Negotiation?  With the package.  Data entry?  Part of the job.

The major invalid assumption of the argument is that each service is being purchased ala carte from an outside vendor.  That can be done, but hiring ala carte is about hiring a professional.  And hiring a professional means you get someone who works faster than the average person at their job. 

Let’s compare laundry.  If I was to hire ala carte for laundry, then I would bag my laundry up, and leave for work a few minutes early.   I would stop by a laundromat and drop off my laundry, and pay by the pound to get someone else to clean my laundry.   I would come back on my way home to find my laundry complete and ready for pickup.  Total amount of my time: 20 minutes.  And laundry goes for about $1 a pound.  Given an adequate clothes supply, laundry could be dropped off once or twice a week without real problems. 

Following that same line of reasoning, you could easily negotiate salary positions to handle every single household task.  And once the child becomes school age, then the amount of time hired to do those tasks drops dramatically due to the child being in school.  The average day would go from 10 hours to 5.  Half the time involved?  Half the pay involved.  Unless the nanny is hired at salary.  And that’s what the intelligent nanny is going to do to even out their paycheck.

Now, I'm excluding places where living expenses are out of control  Those places are just flat crazy.  And $100,000 in those local dollars is really not the same amount in comparison to other locations.  

Realistically, I've had to think about what would happen if my wife died.  And in that case, what would I do?   Really, I could replace my wife with a 15 year term life insurance policy for about $500,000.   In comparison, I need about $800,000 on me.  That's from the purely financial perspective.  

Due to getting out of debt, I don't have $800,000 on me.  I have $400,000.   So should I die, my wife is good for 5-6 years.  Should my die, I'm screwed as I don't have anything on her.  Kids each have a $10,000 burial stipend tied to my life insurance policy.  And term life is cheap.  I pay about $35 per month.  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Speaking of Java and MySQL

So, I finally got my Java/MySQL connection working.


Was where I learned to fix the "class not found issue".

After that, I dug up to get instructions on how to use/connect to the database.

Afterwards, I was capable of spitting out information to the system console from the database.  Holy crud!  

Definitely making progress today.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The first two hours

In trying to program 10,000 hours worth of stuff in Java, I realized I was going to be building a whole lot of stuff.  After two hours, I’ve finished the first program.  It’s a translator that takes CIDR notation information and turns it into Snort rules.  The entire purpose is to block entire countries.  The problem is countries are large and have a lot of IP addresses.  Blocking China takes a few thousand lines of CIDR notation.   And aggregate it all into smaller routs?  Highly unlikely.  So you end up with 3,000 lines that you can either manually parse through or write a program to parse through.  I chose to write a program. 

And I’ve also come to the realization that in the run to get 10,000 hours, I’m going to program a lot of stuff.  That is a lot of time.  At 30 minutes per day, that’s 54 YEARS.  So at some point, I’m definitely going to have to put in a lot more effort than I currently am.  
So now that the Snort builder is done, what’s next?  Probably moving back to my automatic network test application.   Which is mostly writing text parsing.  From there, I’ve got to figure out how to design a database structure and get the information into a database.   From the database, I have to get data into a web form and display it on a web server that doesn’t exist. 

Just a slight bit complicated, but I’ve got nothing but time.  

After that, there's a SHA application I've been contemplating.  SHA is secure hash algorithm.  It's essentially a long number that indicates the properties and data of a file.  Well, if the SHA is the same for two files, then the file is the same.  So if you have a desire to back up data, you can create a SHA of every file on your system, and every file on the remote system.  Compare those two files together, and identify which files need transferred.  Do so, and you synchronize the data on both systems.

It's an idea.  Like I said, 10,000 hour is a lot of time.  A whole lot of time.  

side note: I realize this is April Fools Day.  I am not a practical joker.