Friday, August 26, 2016

finishing projects

I actually finished Causality Crimes today.  At a whopping 21,123 words before editing, it probably shouldn't have taken me more than 2 years to finish.  I started (keeping track) in January of 2014.  At that point, I was at 3,000 words.  August, 2016 I'm finished at 21,000 words.  It didn't go the way I would have expected.  I don't know what I thought about the story going in.  It's probably going to require some serious rewriting.  I started out in a first person omniscient and moved towards a third person.  I'm not sure that was the right thing to do with this story.  It might have been a good transition.  I don't know.  I'm going to have to get a break from the thing to figure that out.  I'm not even sure I like the title any more.

With that complete, it's off to finish the second story I was writing before finally publishing my second work.  Short stories, collection 1.  I may try to find a physical book, but I'm doubtful.  It will probably be another Kindle release.  I'm okay with that.

Now it's off to re-read what I've written about a nightmare turned story called The Gray Lady about an intergalactic space virus.  It might be interesting.  It might not.  I've got to finish it to figure it out.

And yes, it really was a nightmare I had that started the entire thing.  I took notes.  They were...
-nasty intergalactic space virus
-makes non-sentient life forms sentient
-tries to kill sentient life forms. Red bands on top of armsthat wrap around to cover the wrist and slice through.
Bands are capable of being cut or broken
-Creates telepathic capabilities in sentients, but none have ever lived through a case of it.
-Called the Gray Lady because it creates a gel/smoke/shade likeshadow around the foot when infected.
-100% infection rate. 100% lethal. Any ship infected is blasted out of the sky, no questions asked.

Amazing what a completely screwed up dream can turn out.