Monday, February 6, 2017

want to

Friday, I was at a store, listening to the people talk as I worked.  I was installing cellular backup devices.  But that's of little consequence to the story.  Anyways, one of the people in the store was talking about how they didn't want to go to work.  In the end, the person did show up to work.  I guess that's good.

But my real thought about this: when did coming to work become a question of something you want to do? 

I guess back when I was young, I had that possibility that I could have called in for work out of not wanting to go.  Back then, I didn't have paid time off.  No vacation.  If you wanted time off, you didn't go to work.  But you didn't get paid when you didn't show up. 

Getting paid has always been my interest in going to work.  If I didn't need the money, I simply didn't work.  That was just the way it was. 

 Work has never been something that I let the words of "want to" into my vocabulary.  It was simply a matter of "you are going".

"Want to" never entered the equation.