Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Stuff and Nonsense

Things are moving right along.  Except they really aren't.  Because although I've been doing a lot of things, I've been doing a lot of the wrong things.   Too much time has been spent solving problems that really aren't problems. 

I find that happens a lot in life.  A lot of time gets spent on things that don't really take you anywhere.  And the things that do end up taking you somewhere seem so inconsequential that you almost ignore them.  

I guess what I'm saying is that the real success in life is not the busy work you continue to do. 

It's the project you don't have time for. 
It's learning something you didn't know.
It's writing the book you've always wanted to write.

And in the end, those things are the ones that really matter.  But they are also the things you will spend the least amount of time on.

Because they are big, and scary, and consequential.

And it's much easier to watch youtube cat videos than it is to do real work.

Or browse through Pinterest.

Or watch TV.

Or read blogs.  

Or read the 15th book on a subject.

Because what you really need to do is put in work.

And that's hard.  Especially when there are so many places to go look for the perfect way to do something.