Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thoughts in consideration

Judge success not by reaping but by sowing.  
Focus on something for 30 minutes and think of nothing but that thing.
Creating an iron will based on creating and following rigid systems 
Hard work isn't the answer.  Impact wasn't improving.  Figure out what works.
-What am I required to do?
-What gives the greatest return?
-What gives me the greatest reward?
Focus your attention on (1) what you must do, (2) what you ought to do, and (3) what you really want to do.
Subjects I need to study and understand:
[]Hard work
[]Proper Thinking
[]Common Sense
[]Developing People
[]Understanding People
Measurement leads to success.  If you can't measure it, you can't control it (notes)
Effective system include application (notes)
What looks like a people problem is often a situation problem (notes)
To change, you have to change the persons situation
self-control is an exhaustible resource
What looks like laziness is often exhaustion
What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity.
To change you must provide crystal clear direction.
Mis-allocation in abundance leads to scarcity. (notes)
Scarcity requires being right all the time and the consequences are devastating.
Pain and pleasure are the driving factors of all change

Links to all notes are private.  Should the notes become interesting, those will be posted at some other point.