Sunday, October 21, 2012


I get these feelings sometimes, and I can't really explain them I can just say what the feeling was and point to the social/moral/political reasons I feel that way.  
And the current feeling is thus.

Romney is going to win.  

Businesses are prepping and acting as if he is going to win.  I've been in a mildly constant job search for the last few years.  Just a running thought as to what else is out there.  In two years, I was contacted for one job.   In the last six months or so, I've been contacted for at least 5 jobs.  So what has changed?  I finally updated my resume three weeks ago so it no longer has the wrong phone number.  Email is still the same and has been since the '90s, so nothing going there. But there is a presidential election going on.

I have watched all three debates so far.  Romney/Ryan has trounced Obama/Biden in 2 of the 3.  The only non-whoopdown was the last debate between Obama and Romney.  Romney still won, and Obama has finally quit showing his disdain for the average person.  The average person cares about the debates, and wants a president that acts like he cares.  So far, the Obama/Biden ticket has come across in the debates like disrespectful, arrogant people who don't care.  You can say what you want, but actions speak louder than words.  And the actions of the Obama/Biden ticket haven't been all that impressive.

I got this same kind of feeling last election.  McCain/Palin was a worthless candidate with "me-too" people.  It was the Who's Baba O'Reily all over again.   "Meet the new boss/same as the old boss".   It was the ethnic diverse ticket versus the gender diverse ticket.  And neither side painted a bold difference between their choice and the other side.  Romney/Ryan isn't trying to be some hunky-dory social acceptance ticket.  It stands for something and has a direction it wants to go.  You may not like where it wants to go, but at least it's got a direction. 

Still, Romney/Ryan is spending too much time letting the opponent dictate the issues.  I've quoted this article before, and I'll quote it again...  real titans don't whine.  You want to lead like the best, lead like the best.  Quit the backwards whining talk and grow a pair.  I don't care, nor do the American people care, what situation you came in to.  We expect results.  And if you don't produce results, you got to go. 

Maybe the college professor in Obama should have spent more time on Maslow's Hierarchy of Human needs (as applied to the macro scale).  Maslow says that what needs you currently have met will dictate what will motivate you.  In short, it doesn't matter what you think of social issues if there aren't any jobs.  Social issues are the arguments of those with food in their bellies and a roof over their heads.  A government that is worrying about social issues when there are no jobs is attacking the wrong level of needs. 

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