Monday, February 17, 2014

The Questions I'd Ask

I heard of the Bill Nye and Ken Hamm debate, but I didn’t watch it.  For some reason, people think science and religion are incompatible.  And they consider those of us who believe in Christ to be somehow inadequate.  So there’s no point in debating people who don’t even believe you are human. 

But I do have questions of my own…

1)      What happened 20 minutes before the big bang?  
2)      FACT: The universe is not infinitely old.   FACT: Einstein’s theory states that matter can never be created nor destroyed, only reorganized.  Essentially, we’re dealing with all the matter we’ve ever dealt with before, just in different forms.   Given these two facts, where did matter come from?

See, to me you have to understand there are limitations to what you believe.  After a while, you push to a hard edge, the answer is “I don’t know, my system does not explain that”.  At that point, faith kicks in.  Whether it be faith in God or faith in science. 

Seems to me that both sides have people that don’t tell the truth and stick to old arguments.  Christianity really threw the world on its head, and provided a completely different way of looking at things.  It still does, though what most people teach is not what the Bible teaches.  What most teach is a disturbing combination of Old Testament and New Testament, with no real separation between the two. 

Science is much the same way.  Except there’s a lot of mystery and excitement, and many unknowns.  It’s a magical world where the rules start to make sense, except the ones that matter.  Because in the end, the answers to certain questions just don’t matter.

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