Monday, March 23, 2015


I read Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers.  I think I've come to a distinct set of realizations afterwards.  It's a collection of things rumbling through a head that doesn't quite understand what is trying to be said.

I've watched through the YouTube version of Patterns of Conflict once, and I'm working on watching it again.  I've often wondered if I could write distinct lines in my life between things I read or done with the realization that those things are the future points of tomorrow.  They are the points when life departed and the old fell away.

I know Patterns of Conflict will have an impact on my life.  It already has.  Several statements have already begun sticking in my mind, leading to wanderings down paths that just aren't normally taken.  The ability to deconstruct and reexamine thoughts gives way to new perspectives.  I've often thought going to college is like staring in through the wrong side of a peep hole into a three story house, without the realization that there is even a house to be looked at.

I've also began wondering what would happen if one intentionally went to spend the 10,000 hours it takes to reach mastery of a subject.  In doing so, I contemplated buying the domain name, but it was taken.  I don't even know what I'm going to do with it, but I think I've got an idea.  I think it's what Driven was initially created to do.  I just never finished that project, and it went by the wayside.

I guess the goal is then quite simple.  Pick a project, and start a timer.  Figure out how much of your free time you have spent on the path towards mastery.  It would be great if you could suddenly know where you are on that path.  But without extensive time management analysis, I don't think that's possible.

But it might make a good story here and there.

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