Monday, April 3, 2017

Financialness, or not

I've read a lot of financial books.  They all say pretty much the same thing.  The ideas are all pretty much the same.  Each one has a bit they think is different.  But at least a bunch of them realize what they're saying is not unique. 

Short answer: buy things that make money while you sleep. 

That's pretty much it.

Big shocker.  But yeah, that's it.  The path to that answer is always different, but it's roughly the same regardless of what choice you make.  Many will suggest you start buying that thing while you are still in debt.  Others will tell you to get out of debt first.  Others will tell you to use debt.  But it's all the same: buy something that makes money while you sleep.

Continue buying things that make money while you sleep until you make enough money to where you don't need to work, and then you are rich. 

Could be businesses.  Could be stocks.  Could be bonds.  Could be houses. 

So, before you read your next financial book go look for something you can buy that will make you money while you sleep.   Because that's what the financial book is going to tell you anyways. 

The only difference is when and what method. 

Truthfully, I was thinking of a longer version of this article.  It seemed like a good place to go in to the differences between Robert Kiyosaki, Dave Ramsey, Mr Money Mustache, and Suze Ormann.  But it's pretty much the same thing over and over again.  A lot depends on where you are in your journey and your risk tolerance. 

From Kiyosaki, I learned that you should have multiple plans.  From Ramsey, I learned the psychology of getting out of debt.  Mr. Money Mustache provided an end game idea.  Suze Ormann didn't teach me all that much. 

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