Friday, May 25, 2018

1,000 lines of Python

Did I ever think I'd intentionally write 1000 lines of python code?   Not really.   But I'm getting up there.

Python is pretty good for parsing through XML files and gathering the data.  From there, it can be used to compare that data to expected results.  Auditing.  

When I first thought of the idea of auditing Verifone Commander configurations, I never contemplated what it would take in time, code, and labor.   It's been a lot of all of.  But now I'm almost up to 1,000 lines of code to audit a Verifone Commander system.  

I wish Verifone would make their equipment scale better.  Enterprise level management would be awesome.  Then I wouldn't have to cobble tools together using Python, Powershell, and AutoIt.  

So how does all this work?   AutoIt is used to automatically backup every single site.   Once the backups are complete, the audit script will run over the files to examine what the settings are in comparison to what they should be.   

So at the point of originally writing this, the code was just barely reaching 1,000 lines.   It has since broken into numerous modules and is closer to 4,000 lines.  And I've still got about a dozen files to go.

Maybe I need to spend more time researching better Python coding.  Or a way to organize libraries better.  But going through 1 file that's more than a 1,000 lines of code is a pain.  So it's easier to break the things into separate modules. 

I guess the other part of this....  is it worth it spending probably 40 hours writing an estimated 6,000 lines of code to audit a system? 

Yes, yes it is.

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