Thursday, August 11, 2022

Ubuntu changes

 I ran an Ubuntu 12 box for a long time.  It was running off some old, cast off hardware.  It was great to mess around with.  For a while, I ran all my accounting through that.  Which had its own problems once my bank no longer allowed a Quicken style exports.  They just allowed pure export into Quicken.  But that's a different story.

Eventually, the computer died.  It was old, and running off cast-off hardware as I mentioned.  So I found some new cast-off hardware, and rebuilt the system.  Except I decided to put in Ubuntu 20.  I'm not sure I like it, but it's here.  There were some interesting download that I found through the Ubuntu store(?) or whatever it was called.  

I realize it's been a while, but the things I liked aren't there anymore.  I guess I spent too much time when I should have been hurrying.  But I digress.  I think it's time to actually spend some time on this.  It's the problem of having too many ideas running through your brain and not enough time to work on all of those projects.  Maybe I need less sleep.  Sometime that works, but only for a short while.

Back to the new Ubuntu store thingy.  It doesn't work as well as it should.  It runs through an icon-based format.  That was something I remember from before.  But this time, the setup doesn't work as well.  Especially when you get to the bottom of the page.  Maybe some updates will help.  I doubt it.  

Anyone know what those bottom two icons are?  I don't.  And I can't read them.  Nor is there a scroll bar to look at them correctly.  And it's not just the entertainment section that has this problem.  All of them have the same design flaw.  I'm guessing whoever tested this didn't spend enough time testing. So let's hope they fix this on a patch.  I've got an update running in the background so we'll see.  

Moving from 12 to 20 is quite a bit of a jump.  I ran 14 and 15 for a bit, but those were all work environments where I was doing specific things and couldn't just play around.  It was all Graylog if you want to look back and examine those posts.  

Let's see what happens when I play more.  


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