Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Remote access.  It's something I think I've begun to love more and more.  Sitting where ever I happen to be, I can login to certain computers, and get them to do things I normally wouldn't be able to do.  See, normally I'd have to have VPN access.  But then with decent remote software, I can be sitting up on a ladder, working on one project when the phone goes off.  Person B needs a problem solved, and like 5 minutes ago because some device quit working.  And I can connect to them remotely and fix it if it can be done remotely. 

It makes me think the future showed up a lot faster than anyone ever expected.  Somewhere in the process of learning is to learn Linux.  I only have spare computers at work, and spare time at home.  Not really spare...  just a tendency to make time.  So I can use remote access to connect to my Ubuntu machine in the office while I hang out on my couch, and play with things from there that would normally require VPN access. 

Makes me think, though...  Linux is such a nice open platform, and I have no idea how to write much code in it.  I don't know much of anything about it.  Hence the remote access to force me to figure out how to make certain things work.  Small steps towards getting a decent network monitor written and operational, and turning this Ubuntu machine into a full featured remote administration machine. 

That's the entire point...  remote administration and monitoring so instead of being reactive to threats and problems I can be proactive.  But it's hard to be proactive to stupid. 

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