Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The best example.

For all the effort I've been putting into describing what I've learned, a Cracked author narrowed it down to six truths. 

I would recommend everyone read this.  Because it's awesome.  And because this is the epitome of what I've been trying to espouse.  Both personally, financially, and pretty much everything else.  But it took a professional writer to go out and put it to paper well enough for it to get to the point of YES! 

It's an excitement that just can't be contained once you finally see someone point out the simple facts.  And it's strange, because everything David Wong, the author, discusses is biblical truth.  He even said so himself on page 2. 

So stop griping about what your life could be, and go create!  Create something FOR SOMEONE ELSE and not just for your consumption.  Create something because creating is worth the worth is.  Go out and create.  Because as people, that's what drives us and forces us. 

So get off your couch, quit being a damn slob, and take charge of your life.  

Quit whining about what you'd "like" to do and go out and do it.  

It's. Just. That. Simple.

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