Monday, October 14, 2013



In my non-intelligent phase, I’ve looked and griped about how little I’ve made.  I’ve been frustrated, annoyed, and hateful at times.  For a long time, it was always someone else’ causing me to not make much of anything.

History has a tendency to kick us in the butt and tell us how stupid we’re being.  Despite my gripes and definite gaps in time, I’ve made $110,346 in income since August 2010.  See, in judging amounts, I look way too short term.  Just a blind grasp at what is really happening, and no ability to see the big picture.  It’s rather sickening when thrown against the spectrum of time. 

Really, I was doing this as a way to see how much my gas reimbursement has been for the year.  I was doing this in response to the idea espoused by a previous blog post and follow up.  10% isn’t that much in the scope of the entire amount, but it has taken a couple of weeks to build up the gas account to the point where it can stand on its own so it doesn’t get completely drained during the week. 

Of course, that point the brain starts planning on how it can spend that money, even though technically it’s for car repair, gas, and maintenance.  The amount will never be enough to pay the car payment and insurance consistently, but it could cover it every once in a while.  But the real thing is the lack of movement on my debt.  And that is the thing that concerns me the most.  Money comes in.  Money goes out.  It’s basically going to take every single debt the maximum amount of time to hit payoff and leave me.  And I don’t like that.  I want to accelerate that in any way I can.

Income wise, the gas reimbursement sits as both a high amount and a high expenditure.  As long as the amount keeps increasing on a weekly basis, then things are going well.  It has been, and the stress of keeping my vehicle in fuel has left.  So now I’m thinking of what I can do to get out of debt.  Any little bit helps, and I have no problems running nickel and dime.  Because nickel and dime is what most people do to themselves and end up broke.  Twenty bucks here, twenty bucks there.  Do the same thing against debt, and the debt slowly but surely falls away. 

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