Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Things I'll only say once.

The entire government debacle is humorous.  I’m not getting in to my side of it all.  Just saying it is humorous.   I know I’ve spent a lot of time working to get myself away from any sort of government assistance.  I know how tough it can be.  But frankly, I don’t give a damn.  You want government assistance?  Jump through their ridiculous hoops.  Let some person half way across the globe that doesn’t understand your situation and doesn’t even try tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. 

I don’t think so.

I don’t advocate violence.  What I advocate is working until you have worked yourself out of the need of government assistance.  Because their kind of assistance is debilitating and doesn’t help.  I’ve worked 80 hours a week, and I did it for more than a year.  I worked countless hours of unpaid overtime.  And in the end, I got raises because I was better at my job than everyone else was.  Because my company got to the point of fearing losing me. 

Government assistance?  I don’t think so. 

Make a plan and sacrifice.  Learn what it’s like to live without a TV and how to read a book for entertainment.  Make a budget and stick to it.  Try things, and if those don’t work, try other things.  Work like an animal.  Be better than the next guy.  Get a lesson in how to be a rhinoceros.  Learn the lost art of self sufficiency and self determination.

If anything, all of this should make a lot of people mad.  And mad people do things to change their lives.

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