Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Screw popularity. Get achievement.

I read this article about a book by Greg Gutfeld.  It was completely awesome.  It’s very easy to get caught up in the someone else’s agenda, and let their ideas rule your thinking.  I think these quotes from Greg Gutfield are completely spot on. Gutfield talks about cool versus not cool.   And his definition of cool is “popularity without achievement”.  I agree with him.  That’s pretty much the exact opposite of what I preach and believe.  Because achievement is everything. 

In working on the program Drive, I one day came up with the statement: Time is precious.  Use yours wisely.   And I think that embodies everything I’ve been learning and teaching for a long time.  Too often people spend a lot of their time on useless exploits that get them no closer to their own goals and often lament where their life went.  That’s just stupid.  Spend time on what you want to know and what you want to learn.  Don’t waste your time doing something that is a waste of your time. 

These are your goals and your dreams.  Why are you wasting YOUR time on someone else’s goals?  Is that person even a part of your family?  I can understand if it is your significant other, or maybe your child.  But some person you never met?  Get real.  If you spend time working on their goals, then you will achieve their goals.  If you work on your goals, you will achieve your goals.  It’s that simple. 

Get motivated, and quit worrying about failing.   Failing is okay and failing is normal.  You are not going to get it right the first time.  That doesn’t mean you should quit.  It means you should learn from your mistakes and get back to working on your goals.  Did you succeed the first time you rode a bicycle?  What about the first time you drove?   What about the first time you tried to read?   I doubt it.  But guess what: you tried again and again, and eventually you succeeded.  That’s the way life works.  You try.  You fail. You learn.  Rinse, lather, repeat.  In life there is no “get out of the shower and do it again tomorrow”.  It’s a constant repetition of try, fail, learn.  Eventually, your failures get smaller and your successes get bigger.  That’s how it works in real life. 

So quit being afraid and get started.  Like right now.  Really.  Like right now.  

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