Monday, June 2, 2014

a cascade of random

While looking to set up links for yesterdays’ post, I found the Amazon post for Seven Days.  I have to admit, it doesn’t look as bad as I’d thought.  I’m not going to say it’s the most beautiful thing in the world, but it definitely worked for what it is.  I guess the only question is whether it works to show off the story or to sell more.   We’ll see.

 Been a crazy last part of the week.  Worked all night Wednesday night, got three hours of sleep, and went back to work Thursday. 

Now it’s Saturday, and I’m eating lunch and listening to the Dave Ramsey channel.  Listening to some of the people, it makes me realize why raising the minimum wage will not do anything.   Why?  Because you get people on the show making $130,000 a year who are flat broke and people making $40,000 a year who are debt free and have their retirement care of.  The point is simple: if you are broke and in debt at $8 an hour, you will be broke and in debt at $800 dollars an hour.  It has absolutely nothing to do with income.  It has everything to do with behavior. 
There’s a false premise that people assume that comes with a change in income.  They assume that when the income changes, behavior will change.  This is false.  Adding more money to the equation just makes the behaviors larger and stupider.  Instead of a credit card, they get a bass boat or a vacation home.  Increasing income does not automatically change behavior.

While I’m  thinking about it, I’ve gone back to Java development for the purpose of making Android apps.  I’ve always said that one shouldn’t start until you have something to execute on.  Just trying to learn with no end result in mind is very difficult.  It’s different if you have a goal and a purpose.  Now, I have a goal and a purpose in mind.  I have an app that I want to make, and I think it’s just different enough to create a market.  It’s really simple and the idea is either stupid or brilliant.  Like I said, it’s just different enough to be unique, but not so unique as to be hard to sell.

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