Thursday, January 8, 2015

A bit busy

Can you say busy?  Yup.  It’s been.  It’s been the good kind of busy, though.  I spent a few days building a new Active Directory Group Policy.  Default templates work well, but they still need tweaked.  Not everything works out as well as you’d think.  Or at least not always.

I’ve been contemplating security in depth, and I’m pretty sure my old beliefs about security are still true: security is an illusion we like to tell ourselves to ignore reality.  It really is.  Several companies I’ve dealt with are completely clueless as to what they do and how they operate.  They are no more aware of their failings than the man in the moon.  It’s moderately hilarious, but only in the sick, sad sort of way.  I guess there is always a need to upgrade and move forward in a technology related company.  The inertia of doing nothing often gets in the way of real accomplishment. 

I think that will be it for today.  I spent a few minutes working on the Java StopWatch, but not enough to do anything of interest.   Yay.   I have large letters and I set up a font.  But they aren’t centered in the boxes so they are kind of ugly.   But at least the numbers are large and readable.

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