Friday, January 2, 2015

Java layout managers

My reference on all of this has been Java All-In-One for Dummies.

I have a feeling Java layout managers are going to drive me up the wall.  It’s strange, but if I get things just perfect, all the items display on screen.  And if I don’t, nothing shows up until I resize the screen.  Strange to say the least.

I spent a while fighting with the flow layout, but that wasn’t doing what I wanted.  Towards the end of this session I decided to move towards a gridbag layout.  I have to admit, I like the idea of what gridbag presents, but I’m not sure it’s going to do what I want it to.  Fighting miniscule stuff like this is really annoying.  I think that is part of the learning curve, and the reason I wanted to program every single day.  There are some things that are only learned through blunt repetition.  I’m guessing this is one of them.

I was planning on implementing a text area to deal with the output from the text box, but I haven’t made it that far.  Fighting the layout manager took more time than I expected, but eh well.  Yeah, it’s ugly but it’s starting to be functional.  The button will work when the code is written to handle it.  I tested it a few days ago, but I’ve since changed the code. 

The program itself has been redesigned slightly.  I was intending on settings up the button as a separate class, but in the end I had to get rid of that idea.  It because a private inner class of the display class.  I guess I should have known that from all my Visual Basic work, but meh.  It’s been a while since I touched Visual Basic. 

I have to admit I’m making decent progress faster than I expected.  I’m okay with that.  Fast progress on programming shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me.  Once you’ve learned one language, it’s a matter of learning syntax and what can and can’t be done in the language. 

Java does seem to be the predominant language of the day, and that’s the reason I decided to learn it.  Everything else still exists, but seems to be lessening in many aspects.  That’s just a personal opinion of mine, and based on no known fact or discussion.  Just vague observation.  And  I could be completely wrong.

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