Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Essential Worker fun

 So... the last 2 years or so Covid.   Short answer: I can't tell the difference.  Nothing changed.   People wore masks.  Then they didn't.  People didn't go to work.  Then then did.  

Two years later?  Nothing has changed.  Some people still work from home.  Others don't.  

The behaviors that were caused by the global pandemic that was pretty pathetic in its death toll have all fallen back into the same behaviors that existed before.  For all the lessons learned, the only one really learned is that buildings are expensive, and having people work from home works just as well.

What budding capitalist doesn't want to get rid of ridiculous capital expenditures and blur the lines between home and work?  Because that's really what happens.  The business no longer has to pay for that giant building any more because all the employees are working from home.  And those work from home employees are fighting to keep job away from home.  It's a losing battle from most people.  Most of us just aren't that rude. 

What's going to be interesting in all this is the collection of leadership lessons in managing a remote work force.  And finding out how many of those managers are a simple waste of time.  But that's a discussion for another day.

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