Thursday, December 23, 2021

System changes and Dead Horse

Innocuous changes can have large results on a program.  They can take the form of some very simple changes.  

But not all those changes are easy or small.  And "the way things are" isn't always the best method of operation.  But that's the way the operation runs.  And many operations run this way for years without anyone changing the operational procedure. 

There's a meme running around with a person on a dead horse, complaining that businesses are stupid and are unaware the horse is dead.  It's not just businesses.  It's all people.   The pull of the familiar is universal, but that doesn't make it accurate or correct.  And realizing the events that are occurring in your life and of your creation are altogether more complicated.

How many people are out there right now causing drama on social media, wishing they had a drama free life?  

How many people are living paycheck to paycheck, without realizing their own behaviors are causing them to live paycheck to paycheck?

See: the noticing the dead horse is a lot more complicated than it seems.  And doing something different in the midst of "effective" solutions is exceptionally hard.

There are a lot of good books on why we don't notice these things.  Scarcity is one of them.  But that only deals with a portion of the problem.  Despite what people say, memes are just another political format.  Another way of getting that specific piece of knowledge that set in just a way to get a specific set of people to react.  To build up your base camp.  To get people to agree with you.

Even if it ignores the broader consequences and truth of what is going on.

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