Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Brave New World, part 2

 So if we're heading out into a brave new world, and we don't like the looks of it, what can we do? 

Q1) Johnny has three apples.  Billy has eight apples.  Jenny doesn't have any apples. How many more apples does Johnny have than Billy?
a) 5
b) Jenny did not have a fair chance.
c) None of the above
d) All the apples should be redistributed to all to make everything equal.

Q2) Name one individual who lead a blameless, sinless life.
a) Elvis Prestley
b) George Washington
c) George Washington Carver
d) None of the above

Q3) If an individual is incapable of living a blameless, sinless life in which they never did anything wrong, then would a collective of individuals be able to live a blameless, sinless life?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Inconclusive
d) None of the above

A1) C - None of the above.  Johnny has less apples than Billy, not more.
A2) D - None of the above.
A3) B - No.  If an  individual is incapable of being blameless, then a society is incapable of being blameless.  Socrates' "perfect city" has a good explanation of macro to micro and micro to macro conversion.  

So, based on what we have deduced from questions 2 and 3, we know that every society screws up because every individual screws up.  

There is more to that, but I'll let this bit sink in until next time.

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