Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The new face of capitalism/Chasing unicorns

I haven't written anything in a while.  Probably a week.  Maybe more.  I started something that's still sitting in drafts on modern day slavery.  And before you get all ethnic on me, look into the ideas of "debtors prison" and "being sold as a slave to pay your debts".  I'm not interested in those things at the moment, but what I am thinking about more and more is capitalism.  

Ahh capitalism...  the heavily maligned and oft-hated target of everyone because it doesn't provide guaranteed outcomes.  But it does provide the best opportunity of any known system.  And despite all its problems, it's still the best solution to all problems.

And perhaps we're looking at the next best set of capitalism.  I am still convinced that capitalism is the solution to all problems.  There is nothing hard work, honesty, integrity, and a bit of recklessness can't overcome.  It's just a matter of teaching people that. 

Maybe we've become so incredibly complacent with our 8 to 5 lifestyle.  While I was initially looking for a job out of college, I called it chasing unicorns.  A unicorn, in the fantasy world, is a horse with a horn in the middle of its head/nose area.  They are generally regarded as elusive, fantastic creatures that can solve almost any problem.   Well, the job I was looking for was an 8 to 5 job with decent pay.  I've still never found it, though I'm still looking.

I don't think I'm looking for the unicorn as much anymore.  I think I've come up with a better solution.  It's one I've always admired, I just haven't jumped into the realm of.  Now, it's just a matter of learning the necessary skills to start on my ideas.   So many ideas, so little time.

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