Thursday, June 6, 2013


Let’s ignore the busyness for a bit.  Let’s talk about learning again.  I could complain about working 60 hours a week, but that is a waste of time.  It sounds like the petulant griping of a two year old.  So let’s ignore that.   I got distracted this morning before work by this Forbes article.    Or more appropriately, I was distracted by the implications.  I find my problem isn’t the ability to read quickly, it’s the ability recall what I have read.   But my definition of “quickness” is pathetic in comparison.  I’ve spent a decent amount of time learning how to augment my memory using technology because I’m operating off a false premise. 

I’m not terribly good at memorizing.  Facts, figures, numbers… all lost to me.  But those are what I need.  And if I recalled 1/3 of what I read the first time, I wouldn’t wake up early in order to learn more to move on and do better.   I’d be spending the time sleeping, and enjoying myself.  So I think my next educational thought is not what I need to learn.  It’s to learn how to learn.  And at 33, it’s about damn time I learned how to learn. 

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