Friday, June 28, 2013


Something annoyed me a few days ago.  I was talking to a friend and he was saying how bad the economy was, and giving the doom and gloom speech about how the little man can’t get ahead.  He makes $21,000 more than I do, yet seems to be living paycheck to paycheck.  He’s convinced that “more money” is the solution to his problem.  So he’s gone out and got a side job.  And a side sales business.  I wish him well, but unless he changes his attitude, then he’s going to fail.  

Blaming “the economy” is just another gigantic copout that people do when they don’t want to accept responsibility for the mistakes they’ve made in their life.  Yes, finding work can be hard.  But if you are a bad ass, then you will find work.  It may not be in your field, but you can find work.  All you need is a “getting by” job to keep your head afloat while you find your wonderful job. 

But then many people need more than a getting by job because they’ve spent every single penny they made, trying to keep up with the Joneses and listening to the age old lie that you have to spend money to make money and you should “fake it until you make it”.  Which is completely hilarious.  Because “The Millionaire Next Door” says exactly the opposite, and that’s based off research of ACTUAL millionaires.  These are people who are worth a million dollars, and they know how to make money and hold on to it.  As a general rule, the rest are gigantic underachievers of wealth.  Of which I am too, but I’m making progress and I have a plan to change that.

More than likely, my friend has never put pen to paper and figure out what in the world is going on.  With what they make and what they pay in rent, that family should be banking.  But they aren’t.  And I can tell that just from the way they talk.  Because they are up to their eyeballs and debt and they talk like the “the economy” is bad.  They haven’t taken responsibility for their actions and accepted that the problem is right between their ears. 

I should probably spend some time working on them, but it’s going to be a hard sell.   I mean, how can a guy making a lot less than you tell you how you need to run your finances?  Even though my advice comes from works written by millionaires and by plans created by wealthy people.  We’ll see.   We’ll see.

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