Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More on PCI Compliance

I’m sure for a large shop, PCI compliance isn’t as much of a headache.  But for a small shop, it is a colossal pain.  It is necessary to be complaint, but what constitutes compliance is a broad group of standards that only make sense to those who understand the entire picture.  So you need server, networking, point of sale, operations, and personal computer people all shoved into one person.  Did I mention that person needs to have a security mindset as well?

I could say I have a security mindset, but I’m not sure that’s true.  I used to think we had the most secure system in the world and that we had overbuilt and overdeveloped.  I am not necessarily sure that is true anymore.  In fact, I know it is not true.  I guess that’s why I’m taking the CCNA.  The more I know about routers, switches, and how networks operate then the more I’ll know about how to secure such a network.

But the more I find about what I know, the more holes arrive in my theory.  I guess I’m beginning to believe the network design we use is based off people who don’t think about security, so now security is becoming an afterthought.  It also makes me think that I need to redesign the entire corporate network with security in mind.  All it takes is about 70 interviews, a half dozen VLANs and some extensive ACL work.  Oh yeah.   And rewiring three buildings.  Nothing much at all. 

So I guess one could see my frustration.  But then, it’s my job to fix the problem.  It really makes me wonder… is it always like this?  Or is it just my company? 

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