Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ted vs the podcast

I haven’t listened to any Ted talks in a while.  I guess their discussion of “Ideas worth Spreading” seems to be collected around a set of central ideas.  It doesn’t seem like “ideas worth spreading” fit in the category of the beliefs of one group of people.  Seeing as how I don’t agree with that group of people, or the tone in which they discuss how they are right and everyone else is wrong, I quit listening to Ted talks.  I can’t understand why groups can’t use logic in order to advance their agenda.  After a while, you get tired of listening to arguments based off the seven deadly sins. 

So I quit listening to Ted talks.  Instead, I’ve started listening to podcasts.  The first thing I found was Andy Andrews.  He seems to be endlessly optimistic and perfectly willing to examine every decision he makes in ways that most people will not.  And I think he has reason to be endlessly optimistic.  Based off his biography both parents died when he was 19 and not long after he was homeless.  He then figured out what he was doing wrong, and started changing his life. 

There is a difference in the kind of discussion Ted produces and the kind that Andy Andrews produces.  One is exclusive, divisive, and doesn’t advance humanity in any appreciable way.  The other provides an inherently positive message and gives the individual the ability to advance their life. 

If you want to change society, you have to change each individual person.  And if the options are what Ted suggest or what Andy Andrews suggests, I’ll go with Andy Andrews.

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