Sunday, April 6, 2014

More questions I'd like to ask

These are questions I have to lay at the science minded people who happen to frequent this blog.

Disclaimer: 99% of the readership of this blog are bots.  

But, for those science minded people out there who stumble upon this hole in the web...   Then answer me this...

1)  The rules of science are resolute and repeatable.  Gravity works every single day of the week.  So do Newton's first, second, and third law.  But there are exceptions.  One of those exceptions is the Big Bang.

Science has spent a lot of time trying to explain this anomaly.  By anomaly, I mean events that only happened once.  The extinction of the dinosaurs doesn't count, as that is something that is unlikely but possible every single day of the week.  Several near-Earth misses have happened in the past 100 years.  I'm talking about things as absolutely weird as the Big Bang that have never happened before and have never happened since.

Events caused by human will are also invalid.  All human events stem from our intelligence and free will.  Combining those two things is a collective powder keg that can produce all sorts of anomalies.

I will count the development of human intelligence as one anomaly, as no other species has developed what humans have in terms of intelligence.

Name two other anomalies.   And if you count the one I've already given you, that means you have to come up with one.

Older questions that didn't have answers....
2) Given

  1. The age of the universe is finite.
  2. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only reformed.
Explain where matter came from.

3) Describe life 20 minutes before the Big Bang.  

So...  have at it.

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