Monday, September 15, 2014

Going to Work

I’ve thought about this for a while, and I think it’s true. 

People treat change in their life like a trip to Disney Land when they should be treating it like work.

A trip to Disney Land is this magical, one time thing.  You plan for months on end and build up oodles of anticipation.  Then you go, and it’s nothing like you thought it would be and it’s over before you realize it.

Great.  Now time to start over on another trip to Disney Land.

Or not.  Perhaps the best solution is to go to work.  Let’s look at work for a bit.  You show up pretty much every day of the week.  Or five days a week.  Still, you show up a lot.  You show up whether you want to or not.  You show up despite the weather and your attitude.  You show up, and you keep showing up until you get fired or get a paycheck.

While you are there, you have to put out effort the entire time you are there.  Sure, there’s a coffee break here and there and perhaps lunch, but you still have to keep showing up.  And after putting in all that effort, you still don’t get a paycheck.  You have to continue waiting.

The problem is your first paycheck doesn’t even get handed to you until after three weeks of working.  You show up every day with no reward with the hopes that after a bit you will get a paycheck.  There are people that have put out effort and never ended up with a paycheck. 

So if you want to change, start treating it like a job and not like a trip to Disney Land.  

Show up every day.
Show up whether you want to or not.
Don't expect results for two weeks.

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