Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cisco Introduction to Networks chapter 1 notes

Chapter 1 Net Academy

Internet is globally connected
-borders less important
     (but still important)
     (actually, it's more like access is more important)
need to communicate
Communication creates networks
Imagine a world without Internet
     -can do.  Lived it.
     -future is Internet of Everything (buzzword alert)

Network Today
     Internet changes a lot
          Human network - centers on impact of Internet and network on people and business

Changing the way we learn
     3 fundamental building blocks of education

     student - 
          geographic/locational barriers decreasing.  Study any where you have a network connection
          time is less relevant.  Study any time you want.

          better administration
          better management

Changing the way we communicate

          Social Media
          Collaboration tools
               -work together on a shared system       
          P2P file sharing

Changing the way we work

Changing the way we play
  (nothing of interest in this section)

(Break for lab 1)

Globally connected

     Providing resources in a network
          numerous sizes
     Internet - network of networks

     Host - all computers connected to a network that participate directly in network communication
     software determines the role
     server  - host with software to enable them to provide information

     Client - host with software that enable them to request and display information from the server

     -servers can perform multiple server roles
     -clients can access many servers
     -client and servers usually on different computers, but can run on one.

     peer to peer - many hosts functioning in a dual client/server role
          -easy to set up 
          -less complexity
          -lower cost
          -good for simple tasks

          -no centralized administration
          -no as secure
          -no scalable
          -slowed performance

LANs, WANs, and the Internet

Components of a Network

Chapter 1 quiz:  missed items

An  INTRANET is a private connection of LANs and WANs that belongs to an organization, and is designed to be accessible only by the members and employees of the organization, or others with authorization.

 SCALABLE network is able to expand to accept new devices and applications without affecting performance.

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