Friday, October 24, 2014

No Blog is a Bad Blog

A Day late and a dollar short, here.  I'm behind on pretty munch everything, which is why typing all this on a phone is kind of nicer. I can drag a blog out of myself where ever I happen to be.  

I've taken a few pictures for something I'm thinking of about running cable. A Modest Mouse song about a long walk off a short pier keeps running through my head.   

Then my wife was telling me something about a $100 bottle of wine, and I could think about was an Entreleadership podcast with Seth Godin.  In that episode, he was discussing story telling and selling by pointing out that there isn't a wine out there where the cost of production alone justifies the high cost.  If it only costs $5 to produce, then $100 wine doesn't make sense unless there is something else involved.

The other thing running through my head right now is one of Murphy's rules for combat.   I found the document some time before the invasion in 2003, and it was pretty accurate.  One of the statements was:

If you are low on eveyrthing except the enemy, you are in combat.

Yeah, seems pretty accurate.  

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