Saturday, October 11, 2014

Quit wasting your time

It is moderately interesting.  I hear a lot of people complaining about the world.  They say the world is falling apart.  There is no opportunity.  There’s bad people.  Facebook is full of stupid.

Sure, and how many of those things can you directly change?  I’m not talking butterfly effect in 50 years.  I’m talking about stopping the water from boiling by turning off the fire.  If you can’t directly affect something, you need to quit worrying about what might happen.  Are bad people bad?  Yes.  Can I directly do anything about a bad person five states over?  No.  Then there is no need to waste time thinking about it or worrying over it.

Don’t like violence and bad people?  Become a cop and catch them.  Become a prosecutor and put them away. 

Otherwise, quit wasting your time on them.

That is all.

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