Monday, February 8, 2016

The Monday Post

It's Monday, so I suppose it's time to post something.

I shouldn't have that feeling, but I do.  Anyways.   I am on Thrive.  It's pretty awesome.  You should go check it out.  After a week, I've cut my coffee intake to about 1/3 of a cup per day from 1 cup per day.  And I actually gained weight.  I'm not as incredibly scrawny as I was.

So that's definite progress.

After reading something on LinkedIn, I started reviewing my goals twice daily.  I don't think I was spending enough time on them, and really they weren't even in the forefront of my brain during the day.  How can you possibly achieve your goals if you aren't focused on them?  When was the last time you looked at your goals?   I'm guessing it has been a while.  Probably right after you made them.

I did this with an Outlook calendar event.  I'm not sure this is the best way to do it, but it is definitely the most portable.  It is also the version that is likely to be with me at any given time.

Running out of time this morning, so...   I'll be back.

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