Thursday, May 12, 2016

CCNA class

The final class of CCNA prep is done today.  I've got to take the final, and then the formalized class is over.   It has been kicking me up one side of the street and down the other.

It's not that material is hard.  It's just that there's a lot of material covered in an incredibly short time period.  What is normally a 16 week class has been reduced to 8.  And that's pretty crazy.  That's nothing for many classes.  But a bunch just turns college into some horrendous grind.

I guess colleges needed to find a new way to make money.  And grinding students through faster always seems like a good idea.   How much do I want to bet they are charging the same amount for the 8 week class as they were the 16 week class?  Nothing.

Anyways.   Once the class is finished, I need to start studying to take the CCNA.  I'm aiming for about one month out for that.  My goal is to have it done before July 1st.  Maybe June 12th, as the place I take the test schedules on Thursdays.

Seems like that is the next thing I need to do.  Schedule the CCNA, so I have a definite date in which I'm going to take the thing.  Definiteness adds a sense of urgency.  

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