Friday, May 13, 2016


I read an article on Forbes a week or two ago about a person who was mad.  I don't remember what the title of the article was, but it was humorous.  It was one of the advice columns.  The writer complained they kept jumping into startups and then the startups sold.  The creator/owner made a killing while the employee didn't.  

What was more humorous was how the author declared that having these high profile jobs caused them to buy a horrendously expensive house due to California's expensive real estate market.

The part that bothered me most was the author/responder didn't tell the person a fundamental fact.  The person probably got caught up in the hoopla of the question.

The fundamental fact is this:

It is not your employers job to make you rich.

It is not your employers job to make you rich.

It is not your employers job to make you rich.

Do I need to say that again so that you hear it correctly and without question?

It is not your employers job to make you rich.

It is your job to make you rich.

Your employer agreed to pay you for the work you do.  You agreed to work for that price.  That is all.  If you want to be rich, then quit waiting for your employer to make you rich.

I'll go with a quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln, but I've heard it attributed to many different people.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

If you want to be rich, start doing the things that will make you rich.

If you do not know how to be rich, go study people who are rich.

Quit waiting for someone else to make your future and go create your own.

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