Monday, May 16, 2016


Because you have an idea.

Because everything you think about that idea is wrong.

Because it's time.

Because it's worth it.

Because trying and failing is better than never having tried.

Because you don't want to be Al Bundy.

Because you currently are Al Bundy.

Because all the problems are in your head.

Because you aren't even aware of the real problems.

Because someday never comes.

Because you can.

Because you should.

Because it's still worth it.

Because failure is not an option.

Because if you don't start, you will fail.

Because there are more reasons to start than their are to not.

Because you are wrong.

Because you have the wrong reasons.

Because you have the right reasons.

Because you have no reason.

Because it sounds like fun.

Because you don't owe anyone an explanation for your dreams.

Because they are your dreams.

Because you can achieve them.

Because it's going to be hard.

Because it's going to be hard for reasons you aren't even aware of.


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