Saturday, October 22, 2016

Belief vs Belief

This post is about belief versus belief.

I run into many people who believe things.  But it doesn't change what they do. They say they believe in something, but they choose to do nothing that proves that belief. 

Perfect example.  A person goes to the doctor and the doctor tells them they are at risk for a heart attack.  You then get two scenarios. 

Scenario 1: the person comes back the next year looking considerably better.  They have changed their diet and dropped a few pounds.  They believed the doctor and took action.

Scenario 2: the person has a heart attack. 

Belief existed in both scenarios.  Scenario 1 combined belief with action.  Scenario 2 believed but didn't do a thing. 

I find believers in global warming fit in the second category.  They believe in global warming, but its hashtag activism.  It's a pathetic belief that causes zero action. 

So...  going back to the scenario I proposed earlier: which one actually believed?  

I'm going to guess only scenario 1 truly believed.  Because that person changed their actions in accordance with their beliefs.

So if you believe in global warming...  which category do you fit into?

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