Friday, October 28, 2016

Loss of Routine

I just realized why I hate on call.  I am not currently on call, so that is not the issue.  I will be in a couple of weeks.  But that's a future problem.  Who's going to solve that one?  Future Matt. 

Right now, I know why I dislike on call. 

It breaks my routines.

That's about it. 

I have several routines that I go through Monday through Friday.  They are simple actions that result in a controlled beginning to a day.  Occasionally, the day crashes and burns.  Other days, it goes fine.  But my routine stays with me.

 When I lose the ability to perform that routine, things go haywire.  It's not something I inherently like or am happy with.  It's just a gigantic failing.  It's unpleasant.

And my entire week goes to hell.

I can tell it's been a bad week when the last time I shaved was Monday.  Shaving is a boring ritual.  Along with brushing and flossing.  Shaving happens three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.   This week, I only shaved Monday.  Tuesday was the last day I performed my routine. 

And I'm headed to the end the week, dragging this controlled crash into the best possibility. 

I want my routine back. 

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