Monday, October 17, 2016

Color redesign

I decided to change the colors around this morning.  The old background was my dinner table from a few years ago, and is now sitting out on the back porch.  Not terribly impressive, but hey.  It's out there. 

The new one fits more with the manilla folder idea I've been obsessively using in the past few decades.  I remember a website I created back following the days of GeoCities where I had a manilla folder background.  Nothing terribly impressive, but it takes me back to those days.

This one was a little more professionally designed and actually tiles like it is supposed to. 

At work, I've recently been using TWiki a lot.  Seems like a good platform.   After my vacation a couple of weeks ago, I realized the catalyst for much change is documentation.  If you don't document, then you are going to keep repeating the same tasks over and over again, and wondering why no one ever gets around to changing. 

You can't shove a part of the job you don't want to do on someone if you do not document.  It's that simple. 

If you will not document, then you will do the same thing over and over again.

Once the documentation is complete, you must then hand the documentation off to someone else in order to test your documentation.  If your documentation is never examined or tested, it's not really documentation.  

You must also revise and expand on your documentation to the point where it is excessively long.  You have to realize the person you are handing your documentation off to has no clue what a native VLAN is or why it could affect communication between a router and a switch.  And why have a native VLAN in the first place.  I've probably heard that question before, but I don't remember the answer.   I know the difference between a native VLAN and a non-native VLAN.  Hell, I brought up ISL in the conversation in order to back up enough to provide a starting point.  

But in the end you must document to the point of excessive.  All you are going to do is take up disk space, and disk space is relatively free. 


Upgrades Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week.  At least the prep work is mostly done on them.  So they should go relatively quickly. 

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