Sunday, March 3, 2013

Birthday Presents

There has been a surprising lack of updates and content here.  So it's time to change that.  My birthday is in a couple of days, so my family decided to celebrate it yesterday.  I decided to add to my book collection again.  And once again, I've gone broad as opposed to narrow in my choices. 

I was in Barnes and Noble contemplating a book on Java programming.  The one I have isn't structured well, and it doesn't explain well enough.  In some aspects, it works but not well.  Anyways, I was going to get that when I started thinking about the last time I was thinking of making this choice.  I think it was Rich Dad, Poor Dad that talked about how poor people pick up more skills instead of learning broad subjects and turning those into work opportunities.  And the same thought came back to me: I think I have the right skills to get paid more, or to go into business on my own.  What I don't have is something intangible.  I haven't quite figured out what the intangible thing is, though.

So I decided instead of picking up another skill, I need to figure out the intangible and make it tangible.  In the end, I picked up two different books.  The first is 48 Days to the Work you Love by Dan Miller.  The second is The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley and William Danko.  

Work is something all of us feel we have to do, but at the moment I do not like where I am working.  In many aspects, I do not feel like I am following the real definition of work.  A j-o-b is not something I'm interested in.  So...  the problem is me, and I've got to figure out how to fix me.  It's a "you are the problem thing". 

Fun stuff.  

If you haven't figured out yet, I have a tendency to read a lot of books.  


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