Monday, March 4, 2013

The end of education and Bash!

So, I think I'm done messing with education for a while.  I think the Khan Academy has just about everything I wanted out of basic education for a while.  Or at least it seems it does.  There is still the issue of examining what they are teaching and what sort of bent they have.  With math, it's fairly easy to not have a political ideology, but with other subjects it's always hard.  Even listening to the TED talk from Salman Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, he seemed to think his work at a hedge fund wasn't really work with a meaningful end.

All creation and transfer of money is meaningful work.  Behind that hedge fund are a lot of different peoples' lives.  In effect, the job of that hedge fund is to help provide a future for all the investors that put money into the hedge fund.  On top of that, thousands of small companies need the stock purchases from the hedge fund in order to get working capital to grow and expand.  See?  The hedge fund provides a service towards all sorts of people.  Where there is a need, the need will be fulfilled. 

The second thing I've been messing with is writing BASH scripts for a Ubuntu box sitting on my desk.  I'm kind of working at creating some sort of automated tool to report network status, even if the report isn't up to the minute.  Kind of like a good way to see if large portions of the network keep falling off or having problems.  I guess it's that random desire of all system administrators to know what is going on or to have some place to look in case emergencies happen.  Maybe an attempt to be proactive instead of reactive.

And the script generally works, I just can't get the darn array to work.  And I suppose that would be okay if I wasn't completely lazy, but I am.  And I want the thing to be simple to modify.  Instead of having to type every single line and IP address out numerous times, I simply want to create a list IP addresses once and update/modify that quickly and simply by adding/changing one line.  

But right now I have to modify 3 lines, and if removing those 3 lines involves removing a store, it involves re-indexing potentially a lot of arrays.  Estimating 3 per location and 63 locations that would be an adjustment of 180 some odd array values.   That's unacceptable.

But I did get the array to work while thinking about all this mess.  So that's a bit of progress.  Next thing is to set up a job to transfer the contents of my www folder to the etc/www folder on a periodic basis...   Sounds like some fun.

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