Wednesday, March 20, 2013

long nights and long days

So I haven't been updating.  Anything.  Well...  I've definintely been learning a lot.

At the moment, I'm exhausted but still running.  I'm in the beginning of an update to seven locations.  It's some fun stuff.  Is this the second 15+ hour day in a row?  Day one 8 to 1900, then 2030 to 0030..  so...   11 + 4...   15 hours that day.   Today was 8 to 1800, and then 2030 to who knows when.   It's not really pleasant when the 40 hour week is just another name for Wednesday, and you've still got Thursday and Friday to go. 

This is what I got my self into, in one sense though.   I'm not terrible sure I enjoy that all that much.  The initial goal was to make myself considerably more important to the company by taking on responsibilities that needed to be done but no one did.  Great, and it worked like a champ.  I picked up skills left and right.  And all those skills are now taking over every single moment I have.  

At some point, I assumed the additional personnel we hired would be worth their weight and they would learn something.  But we hired (what I think) are the wrong kind of people.  They are hesitant, slow, and unwilling to take charge or responsibility.  They are horrendously afraid of screwing up or doing something wrong.  And you can't be that way.   There's too much in this job where you have to be balls to the wall and just go crazy.   There isn't a nice way to do it.  You have to be willing to jump in the fire to learn and get good. 

The people we've hired use the kid glove approach, and a year later I've only lost one responsibility.   Is that something I wanted?  To take on all this responsibility and to become the person everyone else calls when they have a problem?  Sure, it sounds like a great job.  But it's also one that doesn't give any other benefit.  You get a lot of phone calls and that's about all their is to it.  No extra pay.  No extra benefits.  No comp time..   just 50 to 90 hours a week of balls to the wall work.  

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