Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bashing around

While I'm stuck at my desk for several hours, with my computer bogged down with several remote desktop connections, I thought I'd slide over to my Ubuntu box and start messing with things.   I mean, I've got nothing better to do that sit and stare at bars that slowly move across the screen to indicate progress.  Really, I don't.  

But then automation is not something that has been properly built into the company I work for.  As we expand and grow (as we are doing right now) we haven't taken any time to develop and use tools that provide monitoring or automation for almost anything.  The only way we currently know if something goes down is a phone call from a store.   That's a backwards process. 

Slowly but surely, parts are building their selves into automation and remote management, but not at a pace that it should be happening.  I think as a company we've entered the 21st century, but there's a ton of stuff that needs to be done.  Far too much is fly by night, hope like hell it works.

Maybe I'm talking about pro-activity as opposed to reactivity.  I'm not terribly sure.  I just know the way we are doing things is not the right way to do them.  Too much legacy junk that serves only small purpose without providing much.  But someone decided we need to keep all that stuff.  Great.  Have fun. 

So I don't know how to do it in Windows...  maybe there's a way to do it in Linux.  People tell me its the greatest thing since sliced bread, and even better than peanut oil.   So off I am, to design and automate an entire network using nothing but Bash scripts and a Window's users knowledge of Linux....   Am I a glutton for punishment or what?

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