Saturday, April 20, 2013

End of a week.

I said I was going to try and spend time this week, but I have to say I haven’t done very well.   I’ve had a busy week, but I’ve also had time to work on things I wanted to work on.  Haven’t done it.  I’ve spent time watching b-movies (Iron Sky), and I’ve visited few areas around here.   I really haven’t put the effort in that I should have.   And now it’s Wednesday, and my time to take advantage of this time is quickly disappearing.  There isn’t the time to do what I’ve wanted to do because I’ve wasted the time.  Looks like I lost the discipline I needed before.  

I can’t really call this a vacation, but that’s what it seems like.  I have had more time off this week  than I know what to do with, and yet I still haven’t accomplished anything I wanted to do.  I will pass this course with little effort, so I should have been spending time working on things that are difficult.  I should have spent time working on CCENT/CCNA stuff. 

But I haven’t .  About the only thing I’ve done is get up and eat breakfast.  I’ve succeeded in doing well at class, but that’s about it. 

Now, the week is over and I’m back at the airport waiting to fly home.  I said I was going to get more written, so I would have a back-log of stuff to post.  But I didn’t do that, either.  I did well at class, and that’s about all I did.  Didn’t spend any time doing touristy stuff.    I’m thinking my original plan fell through to sleeping in relaxing. 

What I really did notice is once I got off at a reasonable time, I didn’t know what to do with myself.  I didn’t have kids to play with or dishes to do, or any sort of housework.   It was different to say the least.  I think it shows the normal I’ve been experiencing is not what the rest of the world would call normal.  Yet I’ve been doing it for I don’t know how long.  Like I said, it’s “normal” for me. 

Maybe the real answer here lies in the question and observation.  I’ve often heard people say they want to hire hard workers.   Or they describe themselves as a “hard worker”.  I think that person is missing the point.  The world doesn’t need more hard workers.  The world needs more smart workers.  And the big problem is that everyone is taught to be a “hard worker” not a “smart worker”. 

So how does one transition from a “hard worker” to a “smart worker”?  Because working hard just isn’t cutting it.   And this week break makes me realize just how much it’s not working.  I think automation is one part of it, but at the moment there is so much to learn about automation because it’s just not taught.  It’s assumed to be important, but no one teaches how to do it.  

Therein lies the big problem.  Most of the stuff we should know, we have to learn from those who have already learned.  They never codify their knowledge or understanding.  So how do I do that?   I think it’s time to go back to programming.  Then it’s a matter of figuring out what can be automated and what can’t.

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