Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hotels and Motels

At the Fairfield Inn and Suites in Clearwater, Florida.  Been here since Sunday night and I’ll be leaving Saturday early in the morning.  As of writing this (Monday morning, about 7 AM), I’ve found that Floridians aren’t completely crazy in their driving, and a hotel is a hotel, no matter what part of the country you are in.

I haven’t traveled a lot in the last six years or so, but not much has changed in comparison to when I did.  A hotel room is a basic thing, with two beds, one bathroom, and a TV.  The only noticeable difference I’ve seen is the CAT-5 cable coming out of the wall to provide internet connection.  Which is nice, and better than the splotchy WI-FI that is generally available.  Otherwise, not much has changed. 

My need for plugs?  That has changed immensely.  I used to need one, now I feel like I’m taking over every outlet I can find in the place: laptop, cell phone, blue tooth.  I’m sure I’m missing one or two here are there, but it’s just crazy.  Maybe it’s the giant fear that people live lives so greatly connected by technology that requires vast amounts of electricity.  And that causes fear, and shows just how dependent we are on the magical juice running through the wall. 

But that’s neither here nor there.  It’s just a thing.  I’m not sure it’s a good thing or a bad thing.  Just a thing.  Breakfast wasn’t bad.  I never eat breakfast, though.  Maybe one day out of thirty.  And now I’m sitting here contemplating breakfast again tomorrow morning.  I’ll probably get breakfast.  Is it that traveling and complimentary things cause us to change our behavior?  Or is it that the desire to consume?  I own an iron, but I never iron my clothes.  Yet I always contemplate ironing my clothes when I stay at a hotel. 

Towards the end of the first day now, Monday.  Not sure when this will get posted, but it’s a good thing to note.  Part of me is getting more and more relaxed, and part of me is wound up tighter than a drum.  There’s a desire to calm that winding with copious amounts of alcohol, but I don’t think I will.  I haven’t had real time off in I don’t know how long and my day usually doesn’t even begin to end until 8PM.  Generally more like 9PM, so I have no idea what to do with my life.  It’s strange and substantial all in one, and I don’t know what to do when I’m not working 24/7 anymore.  Might be job work, might be parent work, might be housework…  don’t know at all.  

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