Thursday, April 4, 2013


Been just a bit busy the last few weeks.  We are prepping to take over 10 more stores.  These stores look like ours before I implemented star topology and we dedicated it with our replacement Cisco equipment.   It's a random collection of network cables thrown in and everything shows very little dedication. 

The store layouts aren't very good either.  We are trying to impose some order on them, but it's going to be complicated to fix this many stores in what essentially narrows down to 6 working days.  We really have 11 working days, but I'll be off in Florida for training for 5 of those days.  So I've got to skip town and go work on certain locations as fast as humanly possible, building boards and mounting and configuring network equipment in preparation for taking these locations over.  Considering I'm the only one capable of configuring the network equipment, I have to get it done so everyone else can handle their part.   It just sucks because I know the kind of time crunch we are facing and know how much there is to do.  The remainder that needs to be done is essentially two days worth of work, and only a few things have been done.  There is just so much to do...

On the plus side, I've upgraded laptops to a HP ProBook 6570b.   What's so great about this one?  A built in serial port.  So I can fix a register in twenty-five minutes.  I just have to figure out how to get Putty to act like HyperTerminal.   I'm pretty sure it will do everything I want it to, I've just got to figure out how.  

Oh, and even more praise for Team Viewer.   I'm using it transfer all my files from the old laptop.  Have to stop the transfer for some reason?  Use the "Overwrite all" function, and if the files are duplicates, TeamViewer just skips past the file.      All I have to do is quit adding to the old laptop and eventually everything is transferred over.   It's awesome. 

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