Monday, July 1, 2013


So I’ve started gardening.  I know it is late in the year, but I consider this year to be a practice run for next year.  I know I’m going to screw up this year, but I want to figure out how it all works together.   Right now, my garden is an unremarkable patch about a foot from where the fence will be.  I say will be because I haven’t put the fence in yet. 

The fence is going to be black chain link.  Strangely enough, black chain link isn’t any more expensive than silver chain link.  Around here, only Lowes carries the black chain link materials.  If I was truly dedicated, I’d pour a curb all the way around the property.  But I’m not going to go that far.  I’m just going to put the chain link down against the ground and concrete the posts in so they don’t fall over.  Can’t have my posts falling over. 

Anyways, next year the garden will get completely torn out and destroyed.  It doesn’t matter what succeeds this year.  I’m just going to scrap and rebuild next year.  I know that’s a strange thing to do, but I don’t even know what I planted.  In the background, Tom Waits is playing “The Piano has Been Drinking” as I realize I planted flowers next to vegetables.  And even if they produce anything, as it is almost July before I even put the plants in the ground.  I think there are tomatoes and cucumbers.  And possibly some other stuff.  I don’t remember. 

Because I know nothing about gardening, I bought a book.  Hastings had a one day sale, and all of their used books were $2.99.   I picked up a few.  The gardening book I picked up was The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch.  I have to say I know nothing about gardening, so picking a book that started from the beginning seemed like a good idea.  I think the plan is to just throw a bunch of stuff in the ground, and see what happens.  My yard is grassless and pretty horrendous, but I can grow a plant or two. 

And next year, when the season starts, it will be time to cut my horrendous grocery bill by growing my own tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, and whatever else I can grow.  Makes me think I need a good juicer. 

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