Tuesday, July 16, 2013

News flash: It's you

For some reason, I keep thinking about the Bowling for Soup song “I’m Gay”.   The song goes a bit like this.  (Emphasis added)

Well we’ve all heard about
How the guys in the band
Weren’t the most popular kids in school
And now you hate your parents
‘cause the way you turned out
But in the end the blame’s on you
And we all sympathize with your torn-apart heart
And you really artistic worldly views
It sells records when you’re sad these days
It’s super cool to be mad these days

And that covers the vast gist of why I keep thinking about the song.  I deal with far too many people who are perfectly willing to gripe about their world and how their life sucks and how some person slighted them.  But in the end, a person turns out the way they did because of what they did.  It wasn’t someone else who made you an idiot or lazy.  It was you.  You are the problem in your life, so quit blaming others for all the havoc going on in your life.  Quit hanging out with idiots, and you will quit having a crappy life. 

If your friends are losers and you don’t want to be a loser anymore, dump your friends.  Don’t hang out with drug addicts and expect to stay sober.  Don’t hang out with fat people and expect to stay skinny.  Don’t hang out with poor people and expect to have money.

I wish I could say it was more complicated than that, but it’s really not.  Not a damn bit more complicated.

And that is the worst part about my job.  I don’t have anyone to reach for or aim at.  I’ve got to drive myself, because there is no one currently employed with us that is better than I am at what I do.  I’m at the point of “no competition”.  And I need competition.  I never thought I was a competitive person, but I guess I’m wrong.   Eh well.  I guess I’m just not competitive in things that I don’t care about.  Which is logical. 

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