Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thoughts and Randomness

The interesting, or not so interesting, thing about averaging 65 hours a week is that I find my focus often fleeting unless I’m tied directly into a project.  When I’m working on a project, everything runs like a well-oiled machine and I jump from point to point with focused intention.  But now, the project is done until install time and I’m sitting at my desk, writing a blog, and adjusting music playlists.  It’s never an attempt to do just one project.  It’s the attempt to do six or seven projects at once, with little correlation between the projects.

I think I’ve dropped too far off my old idea of task lists to keep me focused.  I guess the problem is that my list grew too long and out of control, so I quit putting the necessary effort into doing any of those tasks.  I started trying to eat the elephant all at once.  

So, here I am trying to regain focus.   I need to work on one project at a time, and not eighteen different projects.  See, the best method of success is intense focus on one thing at a time.   It’s just a matter of figuring out what that one thing is.  And maybe that’s what I’m doing right now.  I’m sitting back and prioritizing what I need to do with my life and work in order to have some focus.   I know much of my job is interrupt driven, but that doesn’t mean I have to bounce around subjects like a rabbit on crack.  No, I should focus intently on one subject at a time, and only one subject.  Doing that long term will result in success.  And I guess I’m not terribly happy with where my job takes me right now, so I guess I need to focus on where I want my job to take me.  Once the play lists are synced with my phone, it looks like it’s time for some house cleaning on my computer.

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